Hey Adopt Michigan folks!
I just got an important ask from a friend at the Michigan Dems—I’m passing it on to you:
You already know that this is a pivotal year for Michigan voting because aside from the Congressional seats, Michigan is voting on the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and state house/state senate representatives.
What you may NOT know: we are going to win or lose this election with voter protection! The MI Dems are preparing for a very aggressive voter protection program and they need volunteers to help with two specific projects right now:
Michigan elections are run on the city/township level, not the county level. So each of the 1,520 cities/twp clerks runs their own election the way they choose or deem the best way. This means things like ballot curing are different in every jurisdiction. We have a project that requires outreach to each of the 1,520 clerks to obtain information about how they are running their elections, the number of drop boxes and polling places they intend to have available for voters, and what options a voter has to cure their rejected ballots. If anyone can help us with this project there is a formal training on Thurs 3/31 from 11-11:45 EDT. Or you can reach out to mpendolino@michigandems.com if you are interested but can't make that training.
Also, Michigan has a special election for 4 state house districts on May 3rd and we have a very big need for challengers (a kind of polling place volunteer), especially in one swingable district where we want to prevent a candidate who is a rape apologist, big lie adherent, and anti-Semite from getting into the legislature. You’ll be calling former polling place volunteers and asking them to sign up again, so should be easy! Phonebanks are on Sundays and Thursday. Here's the link!
Please, y’all. We really need volunteers. Can you do either of these? 🙏🏼
Thanks for considering. And let me know if you sign up!