Chop Wood, Carry Michigan 6/30 🚗
Hi, Team Michigan!
First, I wanted to reach out and send you all a virtual hug. What a horrid, brutal week or two (or fifty) it’s been. It’s easy to feel despair, rage, and even utter hopelessness.
As Mariame Kaba says, though, “Hope is a discipline.”
It is, in other words, an action.
To that end, let’s DO something hopeful, whether we feel hopeful or not. Because that, in my experience, is how we both feel better AND make change.
The good news is, Sister District has just announced a new Michigan-focussed phonebank on Saturdays from 1-3 PM ET. They’ll be calling for Michigan Statehouse candidate Darrin Camilleri, running to flip MI State Senate District 4.
They really, really need volunteers. Please, can you help?
I know no one wants to call strangers. But no one wants to live under a Christofascist government either. That’s what we’re up against. Voter outreach is our only hope of stemming the tide. Plus, you’ll be calling all registered Dems!
Finally, winning Michigan is life or death.
So please. Come. Sign up here.
One more thing—can you find someone else who is equally furious and sickened by what’s happening and see if you can recruit them to team Michigan? There are nine other states they can choose from, too, if MI isn’t their style. But if we’re going to win this nasty, drawn-out, existential fight…we’re going to need a bigger army.